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Yahoo!奇摩知識+ - 分類問答 - 休閒嗜好 - 已解決
Yahoo!奇摩知識+ - 分類問答 - 休閒嗜好 - 已解決 
Take the Style Quiz

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批踢踢實業坊 Tech_Job 板
[請益] 台積電測試工程師
Jan 14th 2014, 22:05, by Bowei0

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批踢踢實業坊 PC_Shopping 板
Learn to create beautiful cakes from your kitchen.

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批踢踢實業坊 ask 板
[請問] 有辦法離線下載資料嗎?
Jan 14th 2014, 21:45, by W22625231

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MSN 新聞 - 兩岸新聞
MSN 新聞 - 兩岸新聞 
How to Make, Market, and Sell eBooks

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批踢踢實業坊 MobileComm 板
[討論] 蝴蝶的自拍油畫感
Jan 15th 2014, 12:05, by mijiemirae

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食管法卡關 消基會發動立委表態
Jan 15th 2014, 08:28

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TypePad Has the Tools

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MSN 新聞 - 社會新聞
MSN 新聞 - 社會新聞 
Copywriters are the smartest people online

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批踢踢實業坊 ShuangHe 板
[贈送] 廚餘堆肥桶*2 +堆肥
Jan 14th 2014, 21:06, by stillabby

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Shop Best Buy

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Yahoo!奇摩知識+ - 分類問答 - 運動體育 - 發問中
Yahoo!奇摩知識+ - 分類問答 - 運動體育 - 發問中 
Helpdesk Ticketing System

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Yahoo!奇摩股市 - 台股盤勢
Are you an avid runner? Or even just starting out?

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批踢踢實業坊 Gamesale 板
[PS4] 售 極速快感、決勝時刻
Jan 15th 2014, 17:48, by motestw05386

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Yahoo!奇摩知識+ - 分類問答 - 休閒嗜好 - 已解決
Yahoo!奇摩知識+ - 分類問答 - 休閒嗜好 - 已解決 
Shop Best Buy

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批踢踢實業坊 Baseball 板
Want a Faster Site?

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批踢踢實業坊 ChungLi 板
[問題] 請問牛排推薦
Jan 15th 2014, 17:26, by shiunwei

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批踢踢實業坊 movie 板
[問片] 牙買加選手去參加冬季奧運--已解決
Jan 15th 2014, 00:53, by Tosca

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Yahoo!奇摩知識+ - 分類問答 - 運動體育 - 發問中
Yahoo!奇摩知識+ - 分類問答 - 運動體育 - 發問中 
Helpdesk Ticketing System

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